What are FMCSA regulations?
They are Federal & State laws that observe Trucking & Passenger companies, as well as their Drivers.
Why are they important?
They help regulate Trucking and Passenger industries, so that they can hire safe drivers, prevent accidents and stop errors that could happen if these rules weren’t in place.
Who does FMCSA apply to?
Any company that has a Commercial Motor Vehicle (Trucking or Passenger (Limo/Bus), must comply to FMCSA’s rules as long as their vehicle is over 10,001 lbs.
If you’re curious to know more, check out our blog post about the > FMCSA < as well as our > Trucking Permits < Page, to see what you may need!
★ By the way!
If you or someone you know owns/starting a Trucking and/or Passenger company and needs help with their DOT and or DMV Regulations, we are in fact a company that helps Trucking/Passenger companies stay in compliance with these regulations!
Not sure how to feel yet? We offer a FREE Trucking & Passenger Regulation Consultation! Call us at 631-277-3456 to schedule an appointment.
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